What are the best seats to choose when boarding a plane? How to fly comfortably? What are the best seats in economy class? Many travelers ask these questions, especially when the flight time is long and standard seats do not provide enough comfort.

It’s no secret that the most comfortable seats on an airplane are business class and economy class seats near the emergency exit, where there is plenty of free legroom. But a ticket in business class always costs much more money than in economy, and there are not enough seats at the emergency exit for everyone. So, what to do? MashaPasha recommend:

1. Check with your airline to see if emergency exit seats can be booked for an additional fee. This fee can be small and will be fully justified for an air flight of 3-4 (or more) hours. It will be much more comfortable to sit here and your legs will not go numb. Also, passengers with small children are usually not seated in this row.

2. Try to sit like a hare in business class. Since business class tickets are much more expensive than regular ones, often these seats are not completely sold out and remain unsold. In this case, you should try to board the plane last (you can just stand at the ramp and wait for everyone to pass) and then, entering the cabin, assess the situation. If you see empty seats in business class (they are usually located at the front of the plane), you can try to sit directly on them. In the same way, you can try to take an unsold row of seats in economy class (sitting on three adjacent seats, you can even go to bed). In the worst case, the flight attendant will ask you to move to your seat and you, in general, will not lose anything. And if by this time another person also takes your seat, then there is a high probability that the flight attendant will allow you to fly in business class, so as not to start a mass transfer of passengers.

3. On large long-haul aircraft, if you manage to occupy a row with 3-4 seats in one row, you can try sleeping in two tiers. One person sleeps on the seats (with the armrests raised), the second – on the floor under him (you can lie on the blanket that will be given to you before bed).

4. From a service point of view (serving drinks and food), the best places are at the front of the plane. This is where the flight attendants begin serving food. And it’s far from here to the toilets located at the tail of the plane, so it won’t stink here.

MashaPasha.com also advises to remember that there are places where it is better not to sit. These are places of reduced comfort, where the seat backs do not recline, the armrests do not rise, and there are inconvenient wide armrests with tables built into them. These are different places on different planes. But there is always one rule: the row of seats in front of the emergency exit always has non-reclining seat backs. Often the very last row on the plane has such backrests.

These rules do not apply to a number oflow-cost airlinesthat do not reserve seats for passengers at all (or charge extra money for it). Another rule works here – whoever came first sat down in an empty seat.

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