Tourist map of Limassol indicating beaches, parks and attractions, as well as a map of city transport and bus traffic.

Limassol the city is not very large in terms of population, but quite extensive, it stretches for many kilometers along the Mediterranean coast. The historical part of the city is full of narrow and confusing streets that are quite difficult to navigate.

Therefore, to walk around the city you may need a Limassol tourist card. You can print out one of the city maps that are posted on our website and take them with you on the road. Also, free city maps can be obtained upon arrival at the hotel or taken from the Starbuks cafe chain.

Tourist map of Limassol

Tourist map of Limassol – city center. The map shows the Old Port, the Historical Center, the Molos embankment and the Limassol Municipal Park.

Getting around Limassol is not difficult. As you can see on the map of Limassol, this city is quite stretched along the seashore and all its main attractions are located close to the city embankment. Based on the traffic pattern of Limassol public transport and buses, the best option for moving around the city isbus number 30, which runs along the city’s embankment. He passes the tourist part of the city, Dasoudi beach park, Deberhams Olympia department store, Municipal Park with Limassol Zoo, Molos embankment, the old townand the old port of Limassol. And its final stop is My Mall Shopping Center, this is the only large shopping center in the city (more about shopping in Limassol read on our website here).

Limassol bus scheme. Public transport

Limassol bus schedule. Public transport of the city.

If you need to go to another place, you can save and take with you our Limassol city transport scheme (the main urban transport in Limassol is buses).

The Limassol city center map can be useful when planning a walking tour of the old city center. There are many narrow streets here and without a map it will be easy to get lost or accidentally pass by some interesting place.

Map of Limassol center

Map of Limassol center

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