Barcelona Jazz Festival @ Барселона
Oct 20 – Dec 20 all-day
Barcelona Jazz Festival @ Барселона | Барселона | Каталония | Испания
The International Barcelona Jazz Festival is the largest event in the world of jazz, one of the most important such festivals on the planet. It takes place annually...
Jan 20 all-day
Tamborrada Drum Carnival @ San Sebastian | Сан-Себастьян | Страна Басков | Испания
Tamborrada Drum Carnival takes place annually on January 20 in the city of San Sebastian in Spain (region – Basque country). The official name of the holiday is...
Feb 20 – Feb 25 all-day
Fashank in Slovakia
Fashank is the Slovak equivalent of “Maslenitsa”, farewell to winter. Slovaks celebrate fašank at the end of February, approximately from February 20 to February 25. The main dish...
Mar 31 – Apr 23 all-day
Spring Festival in Budapest @ Будапешт
Spring Festival in Budapest (Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztivál) is the largest Hungarian festival in the field of music and culture. It takes place annually in the spring (usually in...
Apr 6 – Apr 13 all-day
Titanic Film Festival Budapest @ Будапешт
The Titanic Film Festival Budapest (Titanic Nemzetközi Filmfesztivál) is the largest such event in Hungary. It has been held annually since 1994. In 2017 it will be held...
May 5 – May 7 all-day
Student holiday Juvenalia @ Краков | Краков | Малопольское воеводство | Польша
Juvenalia in Krakow is an annual student festival that includes a carnival, folk festivals, various competitions, and concerts. It takes place in early May in Krakow (Poland) for...
Sziget Music Festival @ Будапешт
Aug 9 – Aug 16 all-day
Sziget Music Festival @ Будапешт | Budapest | Венгрия
Sziget Music Festival (Sziget) is one of the largest and most famous music festivals in Europe, held in the open air (the so-called open-air format). It is held...
La Mercè Festival @ Барселона
Sep 24 all-day
La Mercè Festival @ Барселона | Barcelona | Catalunya | Испания
La Mercè Festival is a farewell to summer in Barcelona. Folk festivities last about 5 days and include a number of colorful performances. Usually the festival is held...
Barcelona Jazz Festival @ Барселона
Oct 20 – Dec 21 all-day
Barcelona Jazz Festival @ Барселона | Барселона | Каталония | Испания
The International Barcelona Jazz Festival is the largest event in the world of jazz, one of the most important such festivals on the planet. It takes place annually...
Jan 20 – Jan 21 all-day
Tamborrada Drum Carnival @ San Sebastian | Сан-Себастьян | Страна Басков | Испания
Tamborrada Drum Carnival takes place annually on January 20 in the city of San Sebastian in Spain (region – Basque country). The official name of the holiday is...
Feb 20 – Feb 26 all-day
Fashank in Slovakia
Fashank is the Slovak equivalent of “Maslenitsa”, farewell to winter. Slovaks celebrate fašank at the end of February, approximately from February 20 to February 25. The main dish...