
Travel Guide: Europe

Guides and photos of famous European cities

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Рыночная площадь Кракова

Market Square of Krakow

The central and largest square of Krakow, where many city attractions are located.

Бранденбургские ворота ночью

Brandenburg Gate – the symbol of Berlin

A popular city attraction among tourists. This is the only surviving entrance gate to Berlin

Люксембургский дворец и сад Медичи

Luxembourg Palace and Medici Gardens

An exquisite palace located almost in the center of Paris on the territory of a green garden. This is a great place to relax and walk in the city center.

Фонтан ди Треви

Fountain di Trevi

The most famous and largest fountain in Rome, located in the city center.

Триумфальная арка в Париже

Arc de Triomphe in Paris

A pompous monument built in Paris in honor of the military victories of Emperor Napoleon

Парк Гуэля в Барселоне

Park Güell

The unique park built by the architect Gaudí in Barcelona impresses the imagination with the fantastic appearance of its buildings and alleys.

Флорентийский баптистерий

Florence Baptistery

Кафедральный собор святых Станислава и Вацлава

Wawel Cathedral

Wawel Cathedral (Archcathedral Basilica of Saint Stanislaus and Saint Wenceslaus). The main Catholic cathedral of Krakow and Poland as a whole

Сикстинская капелла

Sistine Chapel

A masterpiece of world art located on the territory of the Vatican Museums

Королевский дворец Будапешта

Royal Palace of Budapest

Former residence of the Hungarian kings, located on Buda Hill

Красная Ратуша Берлина

Red Town Hall of Berlin

One of Berlin’s historic buildings, built of red brick, is the headquarters of the city’s burgomaster. Admission is free.

Hlavna – main street of Kosice

The central pedestrian zone of Kosice where most of the city’s attractions are located

Castle of Saint Angel

In the past, this Roman castle managed to visit the mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian and the fortress of the Roman Popes… Today, a museum is located here.

Собор Сакре-Кер на Монмартре

Sacre Coeur Cathedral

A unique temple made of bright white stone, built on top of Montmartre hill in Paris.

Дом Хундертвассера в Вене

Hundertwasser House

A residential building in Vienna, the capital of Austria. Among tourists, this house is no less popular than the well-known palaces of the city.

Фасад главного собора Флоренции

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

The main cathedral of Florence, a temple of unusual polychrome color, the construction of which lasted for about 600 years.

Загреб - столица Хорватии

Zagreb – the capital and cultural center of Croatia

Zagreb managed to successfully combine the architectural heritage of Austria-Hungary with elements of Croatian culture.

General information about Paris

Country: France.
Population: 10.6 million people. with suburbs
Time: UTC+1, in summer UTC+2.
Telephone code: +331
Currency: euro.
Language: French.
Climate: moderate.
Official website: paris.fr

Город Котор - кафедральный собор КОтора

Kotor is one of the most beautiful cities in the whole of the Adriatic region

Located in Montenegro on the shores of the Kotor Bay of the Adriatic Sea, Kotor is considered one of the most beautiful medieval cities in the region.

Площадь Собора Святого Петра

Square of St. Peter’s Basilica

The main square of the Vatican is located directly in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. It is here that the famous balcony of the Pope is located, from which he addresses the believers.

Термы императора Каракаллы

Baths of Emperor Caracalla

The ruins of the baths, which during the times of Ancient Rome were the eighth wonder of the world

Тынский собор в Праге

Tyn Cathedral

This church is the main building of Prague’s Old Town Square

Экскурсия в музеи Ватикана

Excursion to the Vatican Museums

One of the largest and most visited museums in the world.

Дворец Якоба в Кошице, Словакия

Jacob’s Palace

Unusual residential building built in the form of a palace

Бульвар Ла Рамбла

La Rambla is the main street of Barcelona

A pedestrianized green boulevard that runs from the sea to Plaza Catalunya. A favorite place for walks for the city’s residents.

Вид на дворец Шенбрунн в Вене, Австрия

Schönbrunn Palace

This palace was the main summer residence of the Austrian Habsburg dynasty during the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Charles Bridge

Charles Bridge is not just a bridge, but an entire architectural complex half a kilometer long, located in the center of Prague

Замок Вайдахуняд

Vajdahunyad Castle

Decorative castle built in Városliget Park in Budapest. The entrance is free.