On this page you will find a tourist map of Antalya indicating the main attractions, a detailed map of the ancient Kaleici district , as well as public transport traffic patterns.

Tourist map Antalya center

Tourist map of Antalya center

Antalya is a large city not only in population, but also in area. Antalya’s coastline is several tens of kilometers long. The city has dense buildings and a confusing system of urban transport, so you can’t get around without maps.

 Map of Kaleici district - the tourist center of Antalya

Map of Kaleici district

Tourists, first of all, will need a map of the Kaleici district – the oldest district of Antalya, specially reconstructed for tourists. In fact, it is a city within a city, since medieval Kaleici is very different from the rest of more modern Antalya. The streets here are narrow and mostly pedestrian (vehicle entry into this area is limited). On the general map of Antalya, Kaleici takes up very little space, so it is better to keep its diagram separately.

The traffic pattern of Antalya’s public transport is also very confusing. The city has a metro line (a kind of high-speed tram, it is marked with a thick blue dotted line on our city transport map. In addition to it, there is a tourist tram line (it runs along the sea coast), as well as a huge number of bus routes – the main public transport of Antalya. Please note: that these buses do not always travel along the same road. That is, if a bus goes one way in one direction, then back along a different route. You should study the map.

Map diagram Antalya public transport

Map of Antalya public transport

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